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9:00AM - 5:00PM

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(702) 673-4820

Frequently Asked Questions

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The Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act is administered by the Department of Labor through the Office of Worker Compensation Programs on behalf of the federal government. After being enacted by Congress, this act provides compensation and medical coverage to the workers who became ill as a result of exposure to radiation while being employed at a Department of Energy, Atomic Weapons Employers, or Beryllium Vendors. For accepted illnesses, this program may compensate up to $400,000 as well as cover 100% of your medical expenses related to the diagnosis. The coverage has been extended to contracted and subcontracted workers.

The program is not like your typical health coverage. This allows for covering of expenses for home modification, travel pertaining to your illness, and even in-home nursing services that might be on a monthly basis or up to 24/7 care. This card in unlimited which means there is NO COPAY and NO DEDUCTIBLE for approved medical conditions on your card. All of your typical services should be covered such as: X-Ray, CT Scan, Medications, Tests, etc. Moreover, this coverage will not interfere your current health coverage you may already have. Your current insurance coverage will continue to cover your costs for your non-accepted conditions.

This program is for those who may have suffered from being exposed to ionizing radiation and/or certain toxic chemicals during their time of employment with the Department of Energy, Atomic Weapons Employer, or Beryllium Vendor Facility. Others, who may have worked for agencies of the DOE and/or DOE contractors or subcontractors at Nevada Test Site, may also qualify for benefits. When determining your eligibility, there are several factors that it will depend on such as:

  • Who were your employers
  • What years were you employed on site
  • Which work sites were you at
  • What chemicals or radiation have been found in the workplace with links to your specific diagnosis
  • What specific health diagnosis do you have

It is possible to go through the process of filing a claim by yourself, but you may also find yourself with gaps in communication or information that may result in unnecessary delays or denials of benefits. Atomic Legacy Home Health has knowledgeable and highly trained staff members to assist you with this process at NO COST to you. Contact us today to assist you with initiating a claim through the EEOICPA program.

Atomic Legacy Home Health has spoken with individuals who have filed claims with the help of other DOL companies, but they have gotten “lost” in the process. As a locally based company, we are more accessible to help with your paperwork, and we have the appropriate staff who can meet with you face-to-face unlike many of the competitors in the Las Vegas area. If you believe that your claims is not being handled appropriately or with much effort, please feel free to reach out to us today.

For those that are eligible and have been awarded benefits through the EEOICPA, they will be issued a white card that lists their accepted illnesses (diagnoses codes) on the front of the card. Whenever you are receiving medical care related to that illness, you will use this card like your insurance card to ensure that those services are billed accordingly. As mentioned above, this card means that you will have NO COPAY and NO DEDUCTIBLE for your approved medical conditions that are listed on your card.

The program allows for filing of any medical condition that you or your doctor might believe is a result of being exposed to radiation or chemicals. Though you may file for any condition, that does not mean you are guaranteed an approval on your claim. The Program is split into two parts: Part B and Part E. The conditions covered under Part B are beryllium sensitivity, chronic beryllium disease, chronic silicosis, and radiogenic cancers. Under Part E, consideration extends to any illness claimed as related to an occupational toxic substance exposure, including those covered under Part B. This might include various respiratory illnesses or conditions such as COPD, Asthma, Sarcoidosis, Pulmonary Fibrosis, Pneumoconiosis,  Pleural Plaques, Pleural Effusion, Mesothelioma, Pleurisy, and Asbestosis. Neurological disorders have been approved such as Neuropathy, Parkinsonism, and Toxic Encephalopathy as well as other   chronic conditions such Chronic Kidney Disease. An illness or injury that arises because of an accepted Part B or Part E condition is compensable as a consequential condition.

Atomic Legacy Home Health does not charge YOU for any of our services. Other representatives from various organizations may charge from 2% to 10% of your awarded financial compensation because of the assistance they provided you. We offer our assistance and guidance with the paperwork process at no cost to you. If and when you need in home health services, Atomic will bill the Department of Labor directly, and these services are performed at no charge to you.  

  • We are a locally owned and locally operated company that allows us to work more efficiently and communicate effectively with you to ensure that all your needs and requirements are met. Do not play phone tag with an out-of-state company when Atomic Legacy Home Health can meet with you in person ASAP and be flexible to your schedule.
  • Our management team is all registered nurses who have a passion to help others, and this also allows us to appropriately understand your needs and health status from a medical standpoint.
  • We provide home health care on a monthly basis up to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Atomic Legacy Home Health works collaboratively with the patient, family, and physician to put together a plan of care that works for everyone.
  • Atomic Legacy Home Health will help put together the appropriate paperwork needed for submission to the Department of Labor.
  • We only employ local licensed caregivers such as RN’s, LPN’s, & HHA’s (no traveling nurses).
  • The fees for our services are passed along to the Department of Labor at no cost to you.

Atomic Legacy Home Health has had patients transfer from other home health providers, and we can help you with the appropriate paperwork to ease the process of this step. The Department of Labor states that “you are free to choose from any licensed medical provider,… and you are free to change providers AT ANY TIME.” If you are not satisfied with the care or communication that you are receiving with your current provider, please contact us today and allow us to start helping you right away.