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EEOICPA Liaison Services

Atomic Legacy Home Health strives to ensure that our clients do not need to go about the claims process alone in order to obtain benefits through the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA). Though we provide home health services through our agency, we are more than that! We also provide to you our knowledge and expertise of the EEOICPA. Atomic Legacy Home Health assists our clients and patients through the claims and benefits processes. Our EEOICPA Liaison can assist you in the process of filing claims, obtaining ancillary benefits, setting up impairment ratings, and ensuring that you are maximizing your EEOICPA benefits. This service is FREE to our clients and patients. Atomic Legacy Home Health will never charge you for any consultation or services that you receive from us. 

If you would like assistance with your claim and/or benefits under the EEOICPA, please reach out to us for the assistance that you deserve by contacting us at (702) 673-4820.


Our EEOICPA Liaison Service allows you to utilize our assistance in filing Part B & Part E claims under the EEOICPA. We want to assess your needs to better understand how we can help with your claims. Is this your first time filing? Have you been denied previously? Are you in the middle of the process? These are important details to know when we begin helping. Our liaison will help assist you in the filing process to ensure that you have appropriate paperwork to file for benefits such as employment history, medical history, and medical evidence. In addition to initial claims, we can re-evaluate denied claims (see our blog post about Denied Claims) to ensure that steps were not missed that may have caused a denial. Our agency also assists with consequential illnesses which are illnesses that were a consequence of the primary diagnosis that was awarded through the Department of Labor.

We do not become your Authorized Representative at any point before, during, or after the filing process. Therefore, we do not charge you any type of fees for our services in helping you file for claims and benefits. Atomic Legacy Home Health has spoken with many clients who were hesitant to use our services because they have known of many other agencies charging for this same assistance. It has been difficult to break that thought process in certain people, but we continue to educate claimants in that we do not charge a percentage or fee of your awarded financial compensation. If we are able to assist you with the claims process, we hope that you would use our home health services when the time came in that you needed that extra help in your home or place of living. We have assisted claimants in obtaining their “white card”, and they did not utilize the home health portion at that time. That is a decision and choice that everyone must make for themselves, and it has no bearing on whether we help you with the paperwork portion or not.

Ancillary Benefits

As our agency talks with more clients, the medical benefits become more and more valuable as the patients begin a gradual decline in their overall health. Most claimants understand the financial compensation and the various medical expenses that this program will cover, but there are many other therapies and costs that this program will help cover. Some of the benefits that we help to assist you with are as follows:

  • Oxygen Therapy DME and appropriate Oxygen Supplies and Maintenance
  • Pulmonary Rehabilitation
  • Chiropractic Services
  • Hearing Aids
  • Organ Transplant
  • Experimental Treatment
  • Sun Protective Clothing

  • Vehicle Modification
  • Housing Modifications
  • Health Facility Membership
  • Medical Alert Systems
  • Massage Therapy/Acupuncture Treatment
  • Rehabilitative Therapy Services (PT, OT, ST)