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EEOICPA Case Management
Tri-Cities, WA

The Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA), which went into effect in July 2001, was established to provide monetary compensation and free health care benefits to nuclear weapons workers who become sick as a direct result of their workplace exposure.  EEOICPA benefits are administered by the U.S. Department of Labor.

Employers, contractors, and subcontractors who were employed at any of the U.S. Department of Energy or Atomic Weapons Employer facilities are covered under this program as qualifying beneficiaries.

EEOICPA provides qualified ill workers with both free health care and monetary compensation.

EEOICPA Benefits

Health Care Compensation:  Workers who qualify for EEOICPA receive free lifetime health care connected with their covered medical conditions. This free health care is not subject to co-pays or deductibles. It includes coverage of all doctor visits, hospitalization costs, medical treatments, prescriptions, medical equipment and in-home health care.

Monetary Compensation:  The monetary benefits will vary based on the worker’s particular claim and eligibility criteria. Benefits are divided into two parts – Part B and Part E.

Part B Compensation includes: One lump-sum, tax-free cash compensation of $150,000.

department of labor white card

Part E Compensation includes: Incremental tax-free cash compensation totaling as much as $250,000, depending on the worker’s level of impairment ($2,500 for each 1 percent of impairment).  Impairment is determined through an impairment evaluation by a certified, EEOICPA-enrolled physician.

How do I get started?

EEOICPA Application

1. EEOICPA Eligibility

This program is for those who may have suffered from being exposed to ionizing radiation and/or certain toxic chemicals during their time of employment with the Department of Energy, Atomic Weapons Employer, or Beryllium Vendor Facility. Others, who may have worked for agencies of the DOE and/or DOE contractors or subcontractors at Hanford or PNNL, may also qualify for benefits.

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2. Benefits Approval

For those that are eligible and have been awarded benefits through the EEOICPA, they will be issued a white card that lists their accepted illnesses (diagnoses codes) on the front of the card. This card means that you will have NO COPAY and NO DEDUCTIBLE for your approved medical conditions that are listed on your card.

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3. Home Health Services

We provide home health care on a monthly basis up to 24 hours a day. Atomic will help put together the appropriate paperwork needed for submission to the Department of Labor to get you approved for NO COST in home care. Benefits may include home modification, travel costs,medical equipment, and more.