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Maximize your EEOICPA Benefits

Besides the financial compensation up to $400,000 or unlimited medical benefits of your awarded diagnoses, there are many other EEOICPA benefits that are included within this program.

Maximize your EEOICPA Benefits

Besides the financial compensation up to $400,000 or unlimited medical benefits of your awarded diagnoses, there are many other EEOICPA benefits that are included within this program.

white card EEOICPA benefits

Impairment Ratings

If eligible for EEOICPA benefits under Part E, the claimant can request for an impairment rating to be performed by an appropriate physician. Atomic Legacy Home Health recommends that claimants go to either of 2 physicians who will perform these in-person rating’s appointments in the Tri-Cities. A claimant is allowed to have an impairment rating completed once every two years (from the date of the last Final Decision on impairment). For each percentage of the impairment rating for the awarded illness, the claims examiner will multiply that percentage points by $2,500.00. For example, if a claimant receives an impairment rating of 40%, they would receive an impairment award of $100,000.

Durable Medical Equipment (DME)

Durable Medical Equipment (DME) can be rented and/or purchased as long as it has been determined that there is a medical necessity. We can assist with the pre-authorization process to help you obtain the supplies and devices that you need to ensure better overall care to yourself.


We have met many claimants who need specific medications that would better control their chronic illnesses. Many of these medications are not covered under their other insurance or the costs can be astronomical. The “white card” benefits allow for payment of physician prescribed  medications that might give better results of their overall

Consequential Conditions

When a DOL accepted illness causes, contributes, or aggravates another illness, condition, or disease, this can be considered a consequential condition. For example, a claimant receives chemotherapy for his DOL awarded cancer. Due to the chemotherapy that was given to the claimant, he/she developed neuropathy. A claim can be filed for this neuropathy as a consequential illness. Some other examples of consequential conditions are:

A consequential illness goes through many of the same steps as an
initial claim as far as filing paperwork and gather supporting medical
evidence. When you sign on for assistance with our company, we look
through your records to see if you may be eligible for any consequential conditions. Let us help you get these conditions added to your white card.


There are specific requirements in order to obtain oxygen therapy
DME and the appropriate medical supplies that are needed to help
treat patients with various pulmonary diseases. Examples of DME and
supplies that might be prescribed are portable and stationary oxygen
concentrators, liquid and/or gaseous oxygen delivery systems, tubing,
cannulas, regulators, and more. We will work with your physician or
pulmonologist to get your paperwork filed with the DOL in a timely

Other EEOICPA Benefits

There are many other benefits that could be medically necessary to
your care which could include: massage therapy, acupuncture
treatments, chiropractor services, pulmonary rehabilitation, hearing
aids, organ transplants, mental and psychiatric illness treatment,
experimental treatments, sun protective clothing, vehicle modifications
and purchases, housing modifications, health facility and spa
membership, medical alert systems, medical expense reimbursement
for extended travel, corrective eyewear, and other rehabilitative
therapy services (OT, PT, & ST).