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Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA)

As a Washington State based company, Atomic Legacy Home Health is a Department of Labor (DOL) home health provider who specializes in maximizing EEOICP benefits. The Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA) was created to help provide medical benefits and financial compensation to workers exposed to radiation during the age of nuclear weapons development. For accepted illnesses, this program may compensate up to $400,000 as well as cover 100% of medical expenses related to your awarded diagnoses.

Part B of the EEOICPA

Part B provides benefits to eligible current or former employees of the DOE, and certain of its vendors, contractors and subcontractors, and to certain survivors of such individuals as provided in the Act. To be eligible, an employee must have sustained a radiogenic cancer, chronic silicosis, beryllium sensitivity, or chronic beryllium disease while in the performance of duty at a covered DOE facility, atomic weapons employer facility or a beryllium vendor facility during a specified period of time. With Part B, provides benefits in the amount of $150,000 and covers medical expenses related to the accepted condition. Also with Part B, provides for payment of a smaller lump-sum of $50,000 to individuals (who also receive medical benefits) or their eligible survivors, who were determined to be eligible for compensation under section 5 of RECA.

Part E of the EEOICPA

Part E provides benefits to DOE contractor and subcontractor employees and to certain uranium workers who developed a covered illness as a result of exposure to any toxic substance (including the three covered by Part B) at a DOE facility or RECA section 5 facility, as appropriate. It grants covered employees a federal payment based on the level of impairment and/or years of qualifying wage-loss if they developed a covered illness as a result of exposure to toxic substances. Certain survivors of deceased workers are also eligible to receive compensation, if the covered illness caused, aggravated or contributed to the employee’s death. Additionally, Part E provides that a maximum aggregate compensation of $250,000 can be paid to all claimants as a result of the exposure of a covered Part E Employee and also covers medical expenses related to covered conditions.

The EEOICPA Medical
Benefits Card
department of labor white card
Do you have this white card?

Then you are able to maximize your EEOICP benefits!

Call Atomic Legacy Home Health today at (702) 673-4820.

Do you need to be approved? Let our benefits specialist help you with the process at no charge to you.