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Need for the White Card for
current and former nuclear
workers at Hanford

department of labor white card

The Federal Government became aware that people at the Hanford Nuclear Site and at other similar facilities nationwide were developing severe medical conditions due to their exposure to radiation and other toxic chemicals.

In 2000, the U.S. Congress enacted the EEOICPA.  Part B of the EEOICPA went into law on July 31, 2001. This law provided compensation and benefits to employees of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and to workers who were contractors, subcontractors, and vendors employed with the DOE. These workers who were employed there, during any time periods, were eligible for compensation and benefits.

In 2004, Part E supplemented the EEOICPA.  Part E provides free lifetime benefits and compensation of up to $250,000 to a worker or former worker if one of these two scenarios occurred:

  1. If they contracted an illness other than a cancer, chronic beryllium disease, or silicosis that was linked to workplace exposure to radiation or toxic substances like hydrocarbons, acids, cleaning solvents, and many other chemicals.

  • If they were impaired by an illness covered by Part B.

How Does a Worker or Former Worker Receive Benefits?

You can qualify for compensation and benefits under Parts B and E of the EEOICPA if you file a claim with the Department of Labor (DOL). The claim form can be accessed at the DOL website.

A worker or previous worker must provide their work history. A special form is available for this. You can access it here.

Workers also must submit documentation of their work and information from their doctor having to do with their medical condition.

As much as half of the initial claims are rejected.  When this happens, many workers become discouraged and no longer pursue a claim. Instead, they have the option of appealing the denial.

Denials typically occur because the claimant did not provide sufficient information to substantiate their claim. Your claim gains more legitimacy if you include relevant details such as where you specifically worked and the time you worked there, as well as noting substances you were exposed to.  Also, provide statements from your doctor or doctors regarding why they believe your medical condition was caused by your exposure to radiation or other toxic substances.

You might consider having an advocate, such as a former worker or, better yet, an attorney who is well acquainted with the claims process. Your advocate can assist you in completing and submitting your initial claim.  She can also help you prepare the necessary work to appeal a denial.

EEOICPA) was created to help provide medical benefits and financial compensation to workers exposed to radiation during the age of nuclear weapons development. For accepted illnesses, this program may compensate up to $400,000 as well as cover 100% of medical expenses related to your awarded diagnoses.

Learn What Medical Benefits You Are Eligible For at Atomic Legacy Home Health

Did you or do you currently work at the Hanford Nuclear Site and now have a medical illness that you believe could be due to your employment? Are you wanting to file a claim for the “white card” medical benefits?  Atomic Legacy Home Health will assist claimants through the paperwork process FREE of charge!

At Atomic Legacy Home Health, we offer services to current and former nuclear energy workers which include Hanford site workers, uranium workers, PNNL workers, and qualifying DOE contractors and subcontractors, who may have developed specific work-related illnesses as a result of exposure to radiation or toxic chemicals.

If you have already been awarded financial compensation and medical benefits through the EEOICPA, Atomic Legacy Home Health will work to maximize YOUR benefits!